Sunday, September 14, 2008

Had no idea that Sarah turned you on!, none of the candidates does much for me and i am tired of voting for the lesser of evils instead of someone that i think is really good. Ivoted two times for George and sincerely think now that he totally sucks, along with the assholes he brought along namely Cheney & Rumsfeld!! But the alternative (Kerry) was and still is a pompus ass and please save us from
the idiot Al Gore, and just imagine another go around with Hildabeast and Slick Willie Clinton!!
I have no doubt I will vote for McCain, mostly because Obama is such a PHONY it is ridiculous to even think of him as president after him sucking Jeremiah Wrights ass along with Wrights "God Damn America" attitude and the thought of listening to Joe Biden's long winded rhetoric about nothing at all is too much!
But the Only positive reason to vote McCain is there will be Supreme Court appointments coming up and chances of good conservative nominations will not happen with Obama in office
so as you see Sarah Palin does not even enter into my mind and no i do not think she is "HOT"